GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump pay a visit to Mexico to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto, on Wednesday (31/8). The strong reaction arose from diverse backgrounds, mainly from Mexican nationals.
Since the campaign began in mid June 2015, billionaire Donald Trump have mocked Mexico, saying that the country was sending rapists and criminals to the United States and over the last 20 years have been taking advantage through unfair trade agreements.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” said Trump.
Trump's Controversial Statement Boosts Support
Trump asserts that statement in his campaign, added with the idea to build a wall along the US-Mexican border to prevent the entry of illegal immigrants. Trump said he would force the Mexican government to pay the cost of the wall.
President Nieto Affirms That He Will Not Pay for Wall Delimiter
Trump's statement angered Mexican immigrants in the United States and certainly the people in Mexico. President Enrique Peña Nieto equate Trump with Hitler and Mussolini, and in an interview he asserts that he will never pay for construction of a wall on the border, as Trump presented.
Former Mexican President Slams Trump's Visit
What is interesting now that President Nieto actually invited Donald Trump to come to Mexico. Steps were widely criticized by Mexican immigrants in the United States, including citizens of Mexico.
Former Mexican president, Vicente Fox in an interview with CNN Wednesday morning (31/8) said that he does not understand the intent of President Nieto inviting Trump.
"We don’t like him, we don’t want him, we reject his message. I don’t understand why President Peña has offered this opportunity. I think it’s nothing more than a political stunt. Trump is using Mexico, is using President Pena to boost his sinking poll numbers."said Fox.
Vicente Fox added, "“I think President Peña is taking an enormous political risk by hosting Trump. If he’s perceived as going soft on Trump, it will hurt him greatly, he will even be considered like a traitor."
Trump announced his willingness to visit Mexico a few days after President Nieto extended an invitation to him, and also to the Democratic presidential candidate - Hillary Clinton.
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