
Sentenced Echoes Apple, Samsung Ask for Fine Reduction

Having been forced to halt sales of its latest product, the Galaxy Note 7, this South Korean company is also threatened with a fine of US $548 million due to a court in the United States (US) ruled Samsung had been guilty of violating patents of iPhon by Apple Inc. Samsung must pay the fine in this December based on the decision of the court in the past 2012. In more detail, Samsung is considered to have done three patent infringement on the iPhone by design with angled curved display, panels, as well as the iconic colors of the program and its application. However, Samsung is still trying to negotiate the amount of the fine for fine reduction to $ 399 million.

On the one hand, the judges implies a desire to reduce the amount of the fine but on the other hand, a number of parties doubted the possibility to enforce rules regarding the importance of the patent in a product. A number of judges seek to design a test at a lower rate courts to determine the design patent infringement damages. However, the jury surely would be difficult to determine the amount of damages for breach of draft design of a product, when it became the main driving factors of consumers to make purchases. After giving testimony in court, Samsung lawyer, Kathleen Sullivan, said she hoped the Supreme Court could give a fair view to design issue patents.

Meanwhile, Apple's Chief Litigation Officer, Noreen Krall said the judicial process at every level have found their efforts were deliberately and blatantly plagiarized the iPhone. "We think that's wrong and chilling risks that it poses to the future of design innovation." Krall said. For your information, Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung in 2011 on charges of stealing iPhone technology and distinctive look. Central Appeals Court in Washington, United States, last year, also upheld the ruling on violations committed by Samsung.
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